Mexico number 3 in Plastic Surgery!

Mexico number 3 in Plastic Surgery!

According to data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Mexico ranks third only below the United States and Brazil. The popularity of aesthetic surgeries has increased in the country because many of these procedures already employ local anesthesia and even use methods such as non-invasive endoscopy that allows a much shorter recovery time and with more satisfactory results for the patient.

“Before people did not practice cosmetic surgery because it involved large wounds and long recovery processes; now this has changed, “said Mexican academic Antonio Fuente del Campo of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Antonio Fuente del Campo said that among the surgeries that are most practiced in Mexico are nose surgery, breast augmentation and liposculpture among young women, while middle-aged women focus on correcting the abdomen, the sinus, rejuvenation of the face as well as liposuction.